How Do I Pay My Facebook Live Invoice?

After the show, we'll email you an invoice. Just open the email and click the Pay Invoice button. Please note that the only way to access your invoice is via the email link we send you. It won't show up as an open shopping cart in your account. If you already have an account with (the new site that we launched in April 2021), the Facebook Live purchase will show up in your order history after you pay the invoice.

Once you click the Pay Invoice button, you'll have the opportunity to add or edit your shipping address and to select your payment method.

The first box is Email and that's the email address we used to send you this invoice. Next you'll see Ship to. If it's your first time, this may be blank and you'll need to add your shipping address. If you have used this same email address to check out on other Shopify websites, you'll see whatever shipping address you last used. To change the shipping address, click the down arrow on the right side of the Ship to box. After Ship To, the next box is Delivery. This tells you if your order will be shipped or picked up. Below Delivery, you'll see that the default payment method is Card. If you've checked out on any Shopify website in the past and asked it to save your payment info, then your saved credit card is the default. If you'd like to use a different credit card or a different payment method, like PayPal, click the down arrow on the right side of the Card box.

The Card box shows the last four digits and expiration date of the currently selected credit card. If you'd like to use a different card, click Use a different card. On the next screen you'll be prompted to add your credit card information. If you'd like to pay with PayPal, click Use a different payment method. On the next page, you can select PayPal as your payment method.

This is what the next screen looks like when viewed on a desktop computer.
If paying by card, just enter your info and click the Pay Here button at the very bottom of the page. If paying via PayPal, toggle the PayPal button. The Pay Here button will change to say Complete Purchase. Click the Complete Purchase button to login to PayPal.