The Bugles & Briolettes Beaded Ornament Cover Instructions is a downloadable PDF. Nothing will be shipped to you. If you want to print out the instructions, you'll need to have a printer. You'll have access to the download after you checkout. You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to open the file. The PDF is three pages long and includes 14 close-up step-by-step photos.
This is not a kit. No materials are included.
A kaleidoscope of classic Christmas colors serve as the foundation of the elegant Bugles & Briolettes beaded ornament cover. Delicate netting cascades around the ornament in gentle swoops of seed beads, bugles and assorted shaped beads before finishing with a final embellishment of crystal briolettes.
Bugles & Briolettes is a beginner-plus level project and requires some previous bead stitching experience. You should know the following beading skills:
- how to thread a needle
- how to tie an overhand knot
- how to end thread with a half-hitch knot
- how to add thread
- how to control your thread to avoid tangles and/or knots
The following supplies are needed to make a Bugles & Briolettes ornament (not included):
- 2 1/2" Christmas onrnament bulb
- size 11 Japanese seed beads
- 3mm #1 bugle beads
- size 6 Japanese seed beads
- 3mm cube beads
- 4mm cube beads
- Preciosa crystal briolettes
- beading needle
- beading thread
The "Pattern Only" option is best for independent beaders either working from their own stash or willing/able to search for their own materials because we do not provide vendor recommendations nor color names/numbers. The supply list is on the first page of each project PDF and includes the type/size of each required component as well as the required quantity. The quantity may be listed as a range if the instructions include stringing charts for multiple sizes. If you would prefer to purchase a complete kit that includes both the instructions and all the materials needed to make a project, please reach out. Depending on stock availability we may be able to make you a kit even if that project isn't currently listed as a kit on our website. (There is a "Contact Us" link at the bottom of this page.)
Design by Rebecca Ann Combs & Richard Swanborg
©2015 Rickbecca Publishing LLC
Distributed under license by Design & Adorn LLC.
While we are happy for you to sell any items you make using this Bugles & Briolettes tutorial (as long as you are not mass producing them), we do ask that you credit Rebecca Combs & Richard Swanborg as the designers and please note that copying, teaching or sharing our Bugles & Briolettes pattern is prohibited.
tutorial tutorials
instruction instructions
pattern patterns
directions direction