Be sure to select the color you want from the dropdown menu!
Type of Kit: bracelet
Bracelet Max Length: approximately 9" (fits 8" wrist)
Technique: chain maille (adventurous beginner)
Captured Crystals stands apart from a basic captured bead design by utilizing the unique geometry of crystal bicones paired with the perfect size of jump rings. The beads are locked in place with all the holes facing the same direction creating the illusion of being strung on an invisible wire.
In terms of difficulty, Captured Crystals is a bit more challenging than a standard captured round bead design because the orientation of the crystal within the jump ring cage is critical to successful assembly and that's why this kit includes extremely detailed written instructions with 30 close-up step-by-step photos and troubleshooting tips.
To be successful assembling your Captured Crystals kit, you should be able to:
- open & close jump rings
- pinch & hold the interlocked jump rings in a specified orientation
The Captured Crystals kit includes:
- extremely detailed written instructions with over 30 close-up step-by-step photos and troubleshooting tips
- 6mm Czech glass crystal bicones
- enameled copper jump rings in two sizes
- ball & socket clasp
Tools needed to assemble the project (not included)
- two pairs of jewelry pliers (Richard recommends bent chain nose or flat nose)
- toothpick
- fine tip tweezers (optional)
- task lamp (optional)
Design by Richard Swanborg
©2023 Rickbecca Publishing LLC
Distributed under license by Design & Adorn LLC.
You have permission to sell jewelry you make using this tutorial as long as you credit Richard Swanborg as the designer.
Please note that copying, teaching or sharing the Captured Crystals pattern is prohibited.